A Awal Hadi

Web App Developer

Contact Details

Professional Skills

  • Strong understanding of object-oriented programming, design patterns, and MVC architecture.
  • Experience with query optimization and handling efficient large data.
  • Experience with database management systems, including MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work efficiently.
  • Adept at writing clean, maintainable, and scalable coding practices.
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git and agile development methodologies.


Programming Languages: PHP, JavaScript, Html, CSS, Node

Frameworks: Laravel, Vue.js, React.js, Next.js, Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS

Databases: MySql, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, MongoDB

Version Control: Git

🌱 Currently Learning

  • Node.js

    Currently learning Node.js to build server-side applications. Familiarizing myself with its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, and using npm packages to enhance development efficiency.

  • Next.js

    I am leveraging my expertise in Next.js to build high-performance, SEO-friendly small web applications.


I'm a passionate software developer with a strong background in PHP, Laravel.Highly skilled and motivated web developer with 3 + years of experience.

I love building applications that solve real-world problems and contribute to the open-source community. Constantly seeking new challenges to learn and grow as a developer.

Work Experience

Web App Developer

ITclan BD

March 2021 - Present

Develop and maintain web applications using modern technologies like Laravel, Vuejs, React js. Collaborate with cross-functional teams to deliver high-quality software products. Designed and implemented complex backend functionalities, including database schema design, API integrations, and user authentication systems.


Address Management package

Features: "awalhadi/addressable" is a versatile Laravel package designed to provide address management functionality within Laravel applications. It also helps you to easily radius search.

Tech Stack: PHP, Laravel

E-Commerce Website

An online e-commerce platform built with Laravel, React, and MySql. Multivariant Product management, Product price, Discount, Coupon, stock management, invoice, and many more feature..

Tech Stack: Laravel, React.js, MySql, Innertia js, Redux

Learning management

Course system, Quiz system, GED exam system, Course enrollment with payment, Certification system, Automatic marking of MCQ, Student panel, Teacher panel, Admin panel, Payment system, and many more.

Tech Stack: Laravel, Vue.js, React.js, Next.js


Bachelor of Science in EEE

Canadian University of Bangladesh (CUB)


CGPA: 3.40